Do I See A Resemblance? Bob Weir or Episode VII Luke Skywalker?

One of the remarkable things about Bob Weir's long career has been his physical transformation. Once, he could be the only member of the Grateful Dead that could be considered the "cute" one. The one-time short-shorts wearing, pink-polo sporting, whisper-thin spitting machine has slowly morphed to affected a style resembling the frazzled, unkempt Garcia look made comfortably famous by his bandmate.

But time is a cruel mistress for all. It recently came to my attention that onetime heart-throb Mark Hammill is also sporting a different sort of look for his upcoming role in Star Wars Episode VII. I have to admit, I did a double take when I saw this mock up of him in Jedi gear, now playing Luke Skywalker in the wise elder role.

What do you think? Do I see a resemblance? Either way, may the force be Bobby and Deadheads everywhere.

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