Lego Stories

The Lego Simpsons House: A View Inside and Behind The Scenes

There have been times of the past year that I need to keep reminding myself that this is a MUSIC blog and not a LEGO Blog. But sometimes we just have to go there. This is one of those times, as The Barn has not been shy about Simpsons coverage as well (after all, we...

Side By Side: The Blues Brothers Mall Chase, Real and Lego Versions

The Blues Brothers works for me on so many levels. It's one of the quintessential Chicago films. Quotable as hell ("Orange Whip? Orange Whip? Three Orange Whips!"). It boasts a damn near perfect soundtrack and epic big-screen action sequences.The folks at Bricktease seem to agree on that final point and pay homage in an...

Full Gallery: Mario Fabrio's Brilliant Lego Concert Arena Stage

As a father of three boys, I know what it's like to step on Lego bricks wherever I walk. As a music lover and concert freak, I know what it's like to obsess over the stage, setting and technology involved with huge, exciting productionsNever did I expect the two to meet so impressively. But apparently,...